Some Other Links of Mine

Aon Celtic Art and Illumination--All sorts of neat stuff!!!

Pictish Arts Society

Midwifery Page

Tips on how to Spin a Yarn

Animals in Celtic Mythology

Gaelic Names of Plants

On Religion, Religious Terminology, and Thinking for Oneself

Welcome to Hollow Hill--Real Ghosts

An Interesting, Thought-Provoking Article on Morrighan

Gaelic Music:

    Na hAmhráin
    Raidió na Gaeltachta
    Runrig Lyrics

Native American Sites
The Cherokee Observer

First Peoples on Schoolnet

Indian Territory--Quick links

Native American Sites


Folklore from other Cultures

Myths and Legends from many different cultures

Sacred Texts: Legends and Sagas--From several cultures

Heathen Thought:  A Short History of Asatru and Paganism

Plugs for some Folks I've met on the Net...:)

Fiona Broome--Faery Wicca w/ a Celtic slant

Whitehorse Woman's Homepage

Draeconin's Background Designs

