Why this site was created.

I have done a lot of research on the net, myself, and I have run across some really great links, either through plugging inquiries into the search engine, or through interaction with some great folks who have been searching,  just like me and were kind enough to share.  

There is much still that I can learn from many of these sites, later on my path, I am sure.  I've been holding onto these links with this in mind, and my collection just keeps growing and growing.   It is getting harder and harder to find sites in my bookmarks, and I can't believe how much space it is taking up on my computer!!!! :)

I've decided that since so many people were kind enough to pass these links along to me, that I will  honor their kindness by returning the favor in the only way I know how and sharing them with others.

Since the site is already here,  I've added a page called 'My Favorite Articles'.  All of those that are related to things Celtic are available through the Main 'Celtic Links' Section. These are articles to which I refer often.
I've put them here for my own ready-reference, and for anyone else who may be interested.  Eventually I may get really brave and add some of my own articles.

My Favorites Articles

Some Other Links of Mine

